Failing to Reach Decision Makers?

Discover BlueBowTM

Transform Leads into Profitable Clients

Why is your Digital Marketing getting lost in the crowd?

The invention of digital marketing was a genius addition to advertising when it was introduced over 30 years ago. The ability to create online ads, email, and search was revolutionary. But, digital marketing has always struggled to create engagement and has lacked personalization.

No Reciprocity

Clients have become overwhelmed by the saturation of digital marketing. There is no feeling of a connection to a digital ad that inspires or motivates a client to respond. They know they will see another ad from a similar company moments after your ad is gone. If you want someone to respond you will need to activate the psychology of reciprocity

No Customization or Personalization

Everyone gets the SAME ad. Digital Marketing is generic and provides no personalization that lets the recipient know you understand who they are and what they need.

But there has not been a
better alternative...
Until Now!


Why is BlueBow Better?

Personalized Promos

Imagine instead of boring emails your prospect opens a fun gift & finds a mug with their cartoon face and a QR code.

Customized Videos

They scan the QR code and watch a personalized video with a message you recorded just for them.

Get Notified

You will receive a SMS text notification that your prospect is watching your video and then all you have to do is call.

Analytics Dashboard

The best part is your dashboard tells you WHEN it was delivered, WHEN they scanned the QR Code, WHEN they watched the video, and how many times!


No other marketing platform can do that!


Compare the


Digital Marketing

How Does it Work?

Watch BlueBow in Action...

The Power of Reciprocity

Your Gift is Opened
Your Prospect Loves It
QR Code is Scanned
Your Video is Watched
You Get Notified
Prospect Takes Your Call

Grow Your Sales with Personalized Gifts, Trackable Videos and Instant Notifications.


3 Easy Steps

We deliver conversation starters that turn the heads of your ideal prospects. Your message bypasses the gatekeeper and drops into the hand of the decision-maker.



Our marketing experts will send your prospect a personalized gift with our QR code activated video.



This awesome gift connects with their emotions, drops their defenses and with a big smile on their face, motivates them to watch your personal video message.



You are instantly notified that you have a red hot lead, now is the time to get your foot in the door, pick up the phone and connect.


We Don't Just Send Gifts. We Deliver Connections!


Got questions? We've got answers to your most Frequently Asked Questions.

As many as you want. We have several packages to choose from, however, we can customize one to fit the needs of your sales team.

Yes! Personalization is powerful.  You can record your video right inside your BlueBow account. Or we have professional actors that can record each video for you.

Absolutely!  We have several outlines and template scripts inside your account. Or we can give you some one-on-one advice too. We want you to succeed!

Double Yes!   We highly recommend utilizing your existing prospect and current customer databases.  BlueBow is a powerful lead cultivation tool and can also be a fantastic tool for building customer loyalty.  If you need a list, let us know, we specialize in lead generation and can assist with new lead lists.

No.  We know our service works, and trust you will be with us a long time.  The only customers that take a break are the ones that get so many leads they can’t handle them all.

Our Clients Get Results

125 Gifts / 45 Appointments
15 Deals Closed
75 Gifts / 28 Appointments
9 Deals Closed
125 Gifts / 107 Appointments
47 Deals Closed
25 Gifts / 9 Appointments
3 Deals Closed



What our Customers Are Saying

Multiple Promotional Gifts to Choose From

Claim Your

Free Sample Kit

See it in Action

Experience the Power of
Personalization & Reciprocity


Prepare to Sell More

Bypass the Gatekeeper and Connect Directly to
Decision Makers

What happens next?

Submit your details and we will contact you. We'll discuss how BlueBow will work with your business and how our service can help you sell more. Plus we would like to send you a promotional mug with your character on it so you get to experience BlueBow.

* We do not share your information with 3rd parties.